Chandler Leblanc
Class Nineteen
“There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance next time.”
(Malcolm X)
Chandler joined Progressive Black Men Inc. to be a part of an organization that emphasized service in the community throughout his tenure at the University of Florida. It was a piece of a home when he found out that he would be doing service projects for the less fortunate in the City of Gainesville.
About Chandler Leblanc
Hometown: Homestead, Florida
Major: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Graduation Year: 2023
Chandler Leblanc is a Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering major at the University of Florida. Chandler chose has been a part of Progressive Black Men, Incorporated since Fall 2019. Throughout his tenure at the University of Florida, he has obtained multiple internships with Battelle and GE Aviation that pertain to design and manufacturing in the aviation and automotive industry. Hobbies that Chandler enjoys include working out, basketball, and games. During his college experience, he has gained knowledge of Muy Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and coding
Roles Held
Chandler has participated in many positions in Progressive Black Men, Incorporated such as:
Brotherhood Chair
During his time at the University of Florida, Chandler also took part in:
Peer Leader Coordinator