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Zachary Sayers
Class Twenty-Three
"The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night."
Zachary wanted to join Progressive Black Men Incorporated to contribute to the mission of changing the negative perceptions people have of black men in America. He also wanted to inspire the youth of minority communities to strive for academic excellence as a means to financial liberation. By joining a brotherhood of strong black men, he believes anything is possible.
About Zachary Sayers
Hometown: Coral Springs, Florida
Major: Computer Science
Graduation Year: 2026
In his free time, Zachary likes to play video games, with Call of Duty being my favorite franchise. He also likes going to the gym and playing basketball. He says learning about and using technology is very exciting for him which is why and he likes to code. He's a huge Kanye fan and thinks he's one of the greatest and most influential artist of all time.
Roles Held
Since his induction, Zachary has participated as a general member in Progressive Black Men, Incorporated, while also being Co-Public Relations Chair
During his time at the University of Florida, Zachary continues to work hard as a diligent student.
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